Lenten Reflections

Preparing Rooms

A few years ago when LeAnn and I were building a new house together, we came to a stage in the process that we found very tedious: painting. Earlier stages were exciting as the structure grew out of the ground and took shape with ever-changing layers of concrete and wood, wallboard and windows, roof deck and shingles, woodwork and cabinets. But then, everything was covered with plastic and tape as the interior was painted. We no longer could see the wood floors and granite countertops. We could barely see anything at all because we couldn’t stay inside long with the heavy fumes that burned the eyes and nostrils.

At that stage it felt like the house would never be finished and we’d never move in. In fact, I had a persistent fantasy that the house wasn’t even actually ours. We started it and we’d see it completed, but then someone else would swoop in at the last moment, take ownership, and lock us out. It’s just one of the games the mind plays when you’ve been involved with something for a long time and can’t imagine the long-hoped-for conclusion.

There’s something of Easter in all of that as we see Jesus’ ministry growing and rising, bringing such promise and hope for a new kingdom on earth. But then comes Gethsemane, arrest, and the cross. The tomb is sealed shut, and it feels like the kingdom will never come.

Then, Jesus does as he promised and breaks out of the tomb. What’s more, he says, “My Father’s house has many rooms . . . and if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me.”

That’s the great news of Easter: The doors of the kingdom are open and there’s room for all to enter. And with patience and trust, we finally got to move into our new home and have enjoyed opening it to others.

One Reply to “Lenten Reflections”

  1. Thank you for sharing the best news anyone will ever hear – there is salvation for all. Unlike home repair or remodeling this is free. All you have to do is believe and commit.

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