Wish You Were There?

For Wilshire Baptist Church

“I wish I had been in the room when that song was written.”

Singer Gary Morris said that recently at a concert in downtown Garland just before he sang “The Wind Beneath My Wings.” Everyone knows Bette Midler turned the song into an international hit in conjunction with the movie “Beaches,” but Morris was one of eight artists to record it before Midler. His recording was a top 10 hit on the country charts and Song of the Year in 1984 at the Academy of Country Music. He didn’t write the song but apparently wished he had been part of that process or at least witnessed its creation.

So, is there a room you wish you had been in when something big was happening? Something noteworthy, even historic?

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Written in the Stars

For Wilshire Baptist Church

So, what is your star word for 2025?

If you were at Wilshire on Sunday, you were invited to pick a shiny star out of a basket with a word written on it. And then you were encouraged to consider that word in this new year and how it might guide you inwardly and outwardly closer to Christ. This is the second year we’ve done this and I’m not sure how well I did last year.

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Rolling Up Sleeves

For Wilshire Baptist Church

Wednesday I crossed another bridge toward feeling whole: I rolled up my sleeve and donated blood.

I’ve been a longtime blood donor, the majority of it through periodic blood drives hosted by Wilshire for decades. I’ve given almost nine gallons over the years, which sounds like a lot but there are many people who have given much more. The world champion, Australia’s James Harris, has given more than 1,170 units of various blood components. I’m way behind at just 70 units.

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