
For Wilshire Baptist Church

Wilshire and the church at large recently observed two Sundays that highlight the Holy Spirit — Pentecost and Trinity — and those days often have me reflecting on the Branch Davidians. Not the misguided followers of David Koresh, who fed them lies about holy war and end times, but the peaceful followers of Lois Roden who preceded him. The ones who followed the movements of the Trinity and especially the Holy Spirit.

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After the Storm

For Wilshire Baptist Church

City trucks have been crawling through our Embree neighborhood the past few days, slowly gathering the remains of shattered trees in the wake of last Tuesday’s storm. It’s slow, tedious work that blocks the streets and fills the air with the groans of motors and the beep-beeps of backup alarms, but it’s help we need and want so we welcome the noise and interruptions.

I mentioned the storm last week in this space and was ready to move on, but the continued rain and wind this week brought down more limbs and kept many people in the dark. At our house, we lost power for just a few hours, but our internet and cable services were out for several days and have been unreliable more than a week later. The continued rain has delayed the repair of siding pulled loose by the storm, and kept me from mowing with standing water and mud in the yard.

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Congrats Grads!

For Wilshire Baptist Church

Picking up debris in the yard on Tuesday afternoon following the heavy storm of earlier that morning, I came upon a red balloon trapped in the bushes. When I reached for it, it bobbed around in my hand to reveal a message printed in black and white letters with a rolled diploma and mortarboard cap: “Congrats Grads!”

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