Keeping Time

For Wilshire Baptist Church

We have an antique French clock that sits on our bathroom vanity. It keeps imperfect time, but it has a big bright face with pearl inlays in a thick oak case that mimics the shape of a tree so we like having it there. I wind it every Sunday evening along with two other antique clocks and then adjust the time as needed when it sneaks ahead or falls behind.

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“Church is Not a Building”

For Wilshire Baptist Church

That was the headline in quotes on the front page of The Dallas Morning News last Sunday morning after the historic sanctuary at First Baptist Dallas was gutted by fire. The full quote in the article, attributed to Ben Lovvorn, executive pastor, was: “Our church is not a building. It’s not bricks and mortar. It’s the people.”

I’ve been hearing that my entire life, and I know it’s true. When I think about the churches where I have been a member, I think of the people more than the building. Case in point: The same Sunday morning I read that headline, I went to First Baptist Richardson to hear Kevin McCallon guest preach. I grew up at that church and so did Kevin, but I’d never seen him in that building because when we both were youth, the church was located two miles away. Even so, any time I’ve visited the current location over the years, I’ve seen people I knew at the previous site in the 1960s and ’70s, and that makes it the church I grew up in.

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Rigorous Work Ahead

For Wilshire Baptist Church

What do we really believe about divine intervention, change and second chances? Those are questions I’ve been turning over in my head after watching some of the Republican National Convention this week.

I’m not a political junkie, but I like to catch some convention highlights to hear what the parties are saying about themselves and about each other, as well as hear the interpretations and spins of media analysts. It gives me context and perspective on candidates and agendas when it comes time to vote. That’s important because I’m not a straight-ticket or party-line voter. But current events also have me listening to what’s being said about matters of faith and spiritual practice.

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