Lenten Reflections

Beware of Formulas

In the past year I’ve submitted some of my short fiction and essays to journals that have periodic competitions and claim to have the eyes and ears of agents and publishers. I’ve not won any prizes, not gained any contacts, but I’ve received a blizzard of emails offering seminars on how to whip my writing into shape. Continue reading “Lenten Reflections”

Lenten Reflections

Who Do You Follow?

It began with a single, soft note . . . a brief pause . . . and then a perfectly formed chord of four, six or even eight notes. And from that single chord a perfectly lovely melody was built, ebbing and flowing, rising and falling, drifting through the symphony hall and into the ears and down into the souls of all who were listening. It was moving and stirring. And it all began with a single, soft note. Continue reading “Lenten Reflections”