Lenten Reflections

Keeping an Eye on the Cross

In March 2011 when I was having some repairs made at my house in preparation for putting it on the market, I groaned when I came home one evening and found that the painters had cleared a corner of the kitchen where a dozen or more crosses had been hanging. They needed to repair a crack high on the wall and they moved the crosses so they wouldn’t get spattered with texture and paint. They also pulled out all the little nails so they could feather and blend the new paint. I appreciated all of that, but unfortunately I didn’t have a photograph to remind me of how I had the crosses arranged. Continue reading “Lenten Reflections”

Lenten Reflections

Don’t Give Up; Give In

What are you giving up for Lent? It’s a common question for many Christians during this season leading to Easter, and the answers can range from the superficial, such as candy and burgers, to the more meaningful, such as wasted time, vanity, and truly harmful habits. The purpose of this giving up is to turn away from distractions and turn toward God. It is a form of fasting. Continue reading “Lenten Reflections”

Lenten Reflections

The Sign of the Cross

Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the Lenten season that culminates with Easter. Many Christians will stand in line to receive ashes on their foreheads, acknowledging the truth of what we are told in that moment: we have come from dust, and we will return to dust. Continue reading “Lenten Reflections”