Opening Doors

For Wilshire Baptist Church

The Nextdoor social media app is packed with information – some interesting and useful, some trivial or just weird – and then there are questions about the who, what and how of navigating life in the community. Such as this recent post: “Hey guys, am I able to just walk into a church on Sunday? And if so, what are times they usually start so I can be on time?”

At first I thought it was a joke, because having been raised in the church, I take it for granted that everyone knows the answers: Yes, you can just walk in on Sundays, and 11 a.m. is prime time for most everyone. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized the questions are evidence of the decline in the once-pervasive influence of the church in our society.

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Tricks, Treats and Hugs

For Wilshire Baptist Church

Halloween 2023 will be remembered for plentiful treats, a few tricks and abundant hugs.

We had 91 kids come to our door. We thought we had enough candy for the crowd, but as the bucket began to dwindle, we raided the pantry for other packaged snacks such as pretzels and peanut butter crackers. We joked that maybe we could hand out random fast food condiment packets such as ketchup and salad dressing, but the treats outlasted the kids and no tricks were needed.

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Hiding in Plain Sight

For Wilshire Baptist Church

I was working upstairs at my desk on Wednesday morning when LeAnn came up to report on our fall tomatoes. It had been a few days since she had inspected the crop, and when she came upstairs, she had news. Not only were the plants teeming with green tomatoes thanks to the cooler weather, but they had attracted their greatest nemesis. A few minutes later, I was in the garden with LeAnn hunting the evil that is the tomato hornworm.

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