Listen for Pentecost

For Wilshire Baptist Church

I often stream our local classical music radio station as I work at the computer, especially in the afternoon. But I got impatient with the station recently because they were having their first-ever public-radio-style pledge drive. That makes perfect sense for them since they merged with our local NPR station and are now part of that world. But they were talking more than playing music and it was cramping my style. 

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Full Steps

For Wilshire Baptist Church

My hair started falling out today. I was told it would, and after taking a half step yesterday at the barber shop, I’ll take a full step tomorrow.

Let me back up a moment and explain that I was recently diagnosed with a tumor in my right sinus and we’re attacking it with chemotherapy, and beginning next week, radiation. The oncologist told me from the start that I would lose my hair, and last Friday he said I would start losing my hair by today. He really knows his stuff, which I’m grateful for. So, with a haircut already on the calendar, I conferred with my stylist and we decided to go very short but still comb-able.

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Look at the Birds

For Wilshire Baptist Church

“Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” Matthew 6:26

Yes, look at the birds . . . but what happens when they’re orphaned? 

That was the question we faced last Wednesday night when we stepped outside and found a mother dove lying dead on the porch, no sign of fight or struggle. Inspecting the hanging basket overhead where she had been sitting for days, her nest was empty, but below the nest and down in the fern was a baby bird probably a week old, silent but shivering.

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