Baptized in Love

For Wilshire Baptist Church

Last Saturday morning we attended the baptism of the baby daughter of a young woman we know. We don’t know the family well, but we were invited and we went to express our support. We were out of our element in every possible way except the one that matters most.

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A Good Habit

For Wilshire Baptist Church

Thursday was North Texas Giving Day – a day when more than 3,000 nonprofit organizations in the Dallas/Fort Worth region opened their coffers and invited us to support their activities. We’ve been hearing about if for weeks through social media, traditional media and mail. Folks could give early if they wanted to, but Thursday was the actual big day to step up and support the causes they believe in.

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“Thanks” from the Mountaintop

For Wilshire Baptist Church

How do you say “thank you” to someone? Mail a note, deliver a gift, send an email or text with emojis and digital confetti, offer a word of gratitude on the phone or across the fence? There’s no right or wrong way. Every situation that merits a “thank you” prompts a different response. Sometimes that prompt and response is unexpected for both the giver and the recipient.

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