Staring at the Ceiling

For Wilshire Baptist Church

I seldom engage in conversations on Twitter, but occasionally a question or comment gets my response. This week, a young woman named Kelsey who describes herself as a “proud Jewish mama and indie author” asked, “What did people do in elevators before phones? Just stare awkwardly at the ceiling?” My answer to her: “We stared at the door.”

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Autopilot Off

For Wilshire Baptist Church

The words on the citation couldn’t be more embarrassing: “Speeding in a school zone.” It conjures a mental picture of a vehicle racing past a school with children screaming and backpacks flying. But, if you look closer, it says the posted speed was 20 miles per hour, and my speed — yes, MY speed — was 23 mph. Not so dire after all, but still a violation.

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On the Other Hand . . .

For Wilshire Baptist Church

0.1. That was the tiny gap on a Wednesday morning at Wilshire between being allowed to donate blood and being sent home with a “thanks, but no thanks.”

When you donate blood there is a pre-screening process to make sure you are healthy and thus eligible. That includes answering 54 questions about medical history and lifestyle, and getting pulse, temperature and blood pressure checked. The last step is a hemoglobin test, which is a simple finger prick and a drop of blood squeezed onto a slide and put into a scanner.

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