To Be the Church

For Wilshire Baptist Church

Spending the week transforming Wilshire’s community hall into Bethlehem for One Starry Night, I’ve been reminded again what it means to “be the church.”

When I was younger I heard often that a church is not the building but rather the people. And now I’m reminded that it’s not just the people sitting shoulder to shoulder in the pews for worship or sitting in Sunday School rooms discussing the interplay of the gospel and current events.

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Blessed Forgetfulness

For Wilshire Baptist Church

While decorating the house for Christmas, I was reminded again how God has stirred up my life and perhaps messed with my memory – but in a good way.

Time after time, as we pulled decorations out of boxes, LeAnn would ask me where something came from: an ornament, a nativity, a knickknack. And much of the time I couldn’t tell her because I didn’t remember. Now, the fact that she was asking me was a strong hint that the item was not something she brought to our marriage 11 years ago. But beyond that, I still couldn’t tell if the item was a gift, was bought new at a store or secondhand at an antique shop.

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School on the Porch

For Wilshire Baptist Church

It was a life lesson taught and learned on our front porch: responsibility and all that.

A neighborhood girl came by one afternoon seeking donations for her middle school band. She explained that the money collected would be used to purchase and maintain their band instruments, and donors would be entered in a drawing. She had a collection sign-up log so I knew it was legitimate and was glad to contribute a small amount. As we talked, I learned that she plays the clarinet. I told her that LeAnn and I still play our band instruments in the church wind ensemble. She looked at me with quizzical surprise and then thanked me and went on her way. End of story, or so I thought. 

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