Pals on the Journey

For Wilshire Baptist Church

When our Wilshire friend George G. fell ill and landed in the hospital, it wasn’t a surprise to see his large family of musicians and vocalists start to show up in growing numbers at his bedside. And then they organized themselves with online information groups and schedules as to when different ones would stay with him, what he needed and wanted and who would get it and just generally be there for him. 

As we met different people in person or online, some would say, “I’ve known George for ___ years.” It’s as if there was a need to claim ownership of George’s friendship; it almost felt competitive in a friendly kind of way. There’s nothing wrong with that, because George’s friendship is well worth claiming and boasting about.

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Adventures and Dreams

For Wilshire Baptist Church

I was stuck. I had just walked out of Lowe’s with lightbulbs and wasp spray and there was the trap: A Boy Scout at a table with a sign that said, “Will You Help Fund My Adventure?“

I’m a pushover for the Scouts, having been one myself. We camped every month regardless of the season, trekked at Philmont Scout Ranch and hiked rim-to-rim at the Grand Canyon. So my silent answer to the sign was, “Yes, I will help.”

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Growing Social Capital

For Wilshire Baptist Church

Stopping for lunch on Friday at the Koffee Kup in Hico, TX, we were seated next to five members of the Iron Legacy Motorcycle Club from Lewisville. They were dressed the way you would expect: leather jackets and vests embroidered with the name and logo of their club, jeans and heavy boots, tattoos and chains, beards and bandanas. And yet there was something different about them.

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