Christmas is Forever

For Wilshire Baptist Church

Christmas has come and gone once more, and now the rush is on to put it away and move on. Retailers have cleared their seasonal aisles and are making room for Valentine’s Day or whatever comes next. Radio stations have returned to their regular playlists. Local news outlets have turned their attention to New Year’s Day and bowl games. It’s hard not to join the movement and carry Christmas away with the wrapping paper, but not so fast.

When I was a child I always felt sad when Christmas was over. I missed the lights and music and feeling of excitement in the air. In recent years I’ve usually been ready to get back to ordinary time, but this year I’m feeling more the desire to linger and I don’t know why. Maybe I’m finally taking to heart the fact that the “twelve days” of Christmas actually don’t begin until Christmas Day and continue until Epiphany on January 6. That means that if you’ve already put away your nativity, you’ve denied the three kings the chance to complete their journey to see the Christ child. Maybe you still have some traveling to do yourself.

I’m also feeling more nostalgic this year, and that has me revisiting a poem I wrote in 1989. It was a time when the generations were shifting. My brother was having children, my parents were becoming grandparents, and I was remembering my childhood. Things have shifted again as my brother has become a grandfather himself, I’ve become the weird uncle, and 1989 seems so long ago. The poem is an idyllic view of Christmas, and I know not everyone has had these types of warm experiences. It hasn’t always been tinsel and gumdrops for me either, but maybe there’s something here for you anyway. If nothing else, maybe just a reminder that while life keeps moving and changing, the true story of Christmas really continues on forever.

Christmas Memories
Christmas Eve was sweet and fine,
Jingle bells and tinseled pine,
Laughter and the hope of snow,
Fireplace casts a mellow glow,
Stockings hung above the hearth,
Quiet the sound of peace on earth,
Days and people we remember,
Christmas memories live forever.
Christmas carols filled the air,
Grandma, Grandpa all were there,
Sounds of wrapping down the hall,
Luke 2 filled our hearts with awe,
Candles burning on the table,
Tried to sleep but wasn’t able,
Days and people we remember,
Christmas memories live forever.
Christmas morning came so slow,
Excited whispers can’t control,
Finally time to see the tree,
And what Santa left for me,
Ribbons fly and paper tears,
Oh the treasures waiting there,
Days and people we remember,
Christmas memories live forever.
Played the morning hours away,
Till the smell of dinner swayed,
Grandmother baked stuffing brown,
Granddad carved the turkey round,
Mother called us to our place,
Father bowed our heads in grace,
Days and people we remember,
Christmas memories live forever.
Afternoon felt good and fat,
Time to play or take a nap,
Jigsaw puzzle pieces found,
Later old friends gathered ‘round,
Came to wish us Christmas cheer,
And the best of the new year,
Days and people we remember,
Christmas memories live forever.
The world has turned a time or two,
Little ones bring joy anew,
Son now plays a father’s role,
Father wears grandfather’s robes,
So the cycle starts again,
Christmas memories have no end,
Days and people we remember,
Christmas memories live forever.