Christmas is Forever

For Wilshire Baptist Church

Christmas has come and gone once more, and now the rush is on to put it away and move on. Retailers have cleared their seasonal aisles and are making room for Valentine’s Day or whatever comes next. Radio stations have returned to their regular playlists. Local news outlets have turned their attention to New Year’s Day and bowl games. It’s hard not to join the movement and carry Christmas away with the wrapping paper, but not so fast.

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Preparing for What Already Is

For Wilshire Baptist Church

The yellow, two-story wood-frame house had stood on the street for decades. The tax roll says it was built in 1963, but I’m certain that’s an error. It easily looked like it could be 100 years old, and its age was showing. From the street it appeared that the walls were all leaning toward the center and that the house might fall in on itself at any moment. Maybe that’s why it took just one day to tear it down, and one day after that to haul the remains away. There just wasn’t much holding it up.

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